Doug Henico

Doug Henico on employee spotlight
Author: Pamarco

Name: Doug Henico

What is your role at Pamarco?
I am a Machinist in the Prep Department.

How long have you been with us?
I’ve been with Pamarco for a little more than three months now.

Tell us about yourself (age, education, hometown, pets, kids, hobbies):
I was born and raised in Linton, Indiana. I received my culinary degree in Chicago at The Illinois Institute of Art. Yes, I can cook but I would rather eat so that was not the career for me. I have a beautiful wife, Gail, and daughter, Adrianna (16). Hobbies…where do I start? I am a bladesmith, weapons tester, welder, machinist, hunter, fisherman, and the list goes on and on.

What is your favorite thing about working at Pamarco?
I really enjoy the attention to detail that comes with my job, and my coworkers here are really great.

What is something unique about you?
I am a jack of all trades; a MacGyver of sorts. If I want to do something, I try my best to find a way to make it happen. I like to try to know at least a little bit about as many things as possible.

What is the coolest thing you’ve ever done in your life?
Life is full of exciting adventures and events but I would have to say the most recent thing that stands out is having the opportunity to do testing on the set of Forged in Fire: Knife or Death (History Channel). They used footage of me testing in the first few episodes of the first season.